Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017

We had a very good day today.  Many memorable things happened, the most important one 
was we left Florida and enter Georgia!  Couldn't believe it but it did happen.  Only 6 weeks
to do it too.  The other memorable event was shortly after we crossed into Georgia we crossed the
1000 mile mark.  On such a great day I am going to have Lea write the blog today,  take it away Lea.
Georgia at last
empty tanker
If duffel bags could talk, the one with me now would have many tales to tell.  It is the bag that gets to travel with the Bailey's, from the grandeur of Yellow Stone National Park, frozen on the back of a snowmobile, to its current position, cruising up the inter coastal waterway aboard the Colorado Cat.  We are on day two, and it is exciting and gloriously peaceful at the same time.  Today we saw white pelicans fly in formation, a bald eagle, and dolphins.  We cruised by major industrial ports, watched tankers unload, and the isolated areas off the coast of Florida and Georgia.  The weather is perfect, the scenery is beautiful, and the company is awesome.
Lea and Nikky
1st Georgian lighthouse

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of the guest blogger. You should make it a prerequisite for anyone accompanying you.
