June 1, 2017
For those of you that are regular followers of the Colorado Cat Blog you know that Penny and Jim enlist the writing skills of those who join them to contribute a day or two of the blog. Tonight is my turn, another Jim this time with an L after my name. Eleanor and I joined the Colorado Cat crew yesterday afternoon after a two day road trip from Wisconsin. I can say that without even knowing what adventures we have in store the next six days, that day one was worth the whole trip.
We traveled all of of two miles to spend the day in Annapolis and to visit the Naval Academy and walk the historic Maryland state house, waterfront and homes that date back to the Revolution. There are tales of missing the water taxi followed by a automobile search that found us a nine hour free parking space in a town not noted for being free. And only a 15 minute walk to the academy. Without a doubt the Naval Academy tour was something anyone should do and learn from. You walk away with a renewed faith in our military and you will have learned, or relearned sone fascinating history of our country in the process. The academy tour also put us in to the Officers club for a great lunch on linen table clothes and with real silverware. And this still did not end our time at NACM. The Navy Museum was total surprise and blew us all away as to how good it was and how much history there is. We all 4 came away saying we wish we had had more time to spend in the museum. Put it on your bucket list when you come to Annapolis.
BUT - the day had one more thing to do and to celebrate before we could call it a day. Namely this, Admiral Penny and Captain Jim reached and have now surpassed the 4 months on the Gran Loop Adventure. Yes that is correct, champaign toast on the foredeck and the fourth month is now in the history books!!!! And we fell certain that there are more months to come.
So it is on to our next day of adventure, we cast off and head to Baltimore in the morning after a short harbor tour of Annapolis and maybe catching the start of the Annapolis to Newport sailboat race. Wow what a week we have coming up.
Toking At the City Docks |
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