Saturday, June 3, 2017

June 3, 2017

This is Jim L back for another Colorado Cat blog entry. It was a great and long day. We find ourselves in Delaware City, DE after a 8 hour, 70 mile journey up through the North Chesapeake Bay and the C & D Canal into Delaware Bay. The day started cloudy, cool and breezy, but ended up sunny, warm and light winds. 

There were two encounters with commercial traffic, the first with a freighter trailing us again and closing fast as we left Baltimore and the other with a tow boat as we traversed the C & D Canal. The first was side lined as we were able to head off on a course that was out the channel. The second was just a close call as another boat ignored the the close quarters to shoot in between us and the tow and barge. See the photo!

Shortly after that encounter, Colorado Cat passed into another state and state flags were raised and lowered with a beer toast as has become Penny and Jim's custom. That makes 6 states in 4 months and starting on number 7. Quite an accomplishment at less than 10 MPH.

After getting docked for the evening the marina owner held a captains meeting for a Delaware Bay Downbound Briefing. This became a bit of scary and educational lesson on tides, currents and winds for our trip tomorrow to Lewes, DE or Cape May, NJ. We are off early in the morning to make the best of our "window" before the bay becomes tough to traverse.

For dinner this evening we walked into Delaware City to have dinner at Lewinsky's on Clinton Street. And yes, the restaurant was named for the reason you think it was!!! 

Eleanor and my time on Colorado Cat continues to be both enjoyable with just enough "adventure"to make it a very memorable one.  Eleanor will be back tomorrow with more.
Delaware Briefing. OMG!!!
Lewinsky's on Clinton Restaurant
Yea! Delaware

Jim L

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