Thursday, May 11, 2017

May 11 - It’s a rainy cold day here in Hampton VA and we’ll be here several days because of the weather (the wind speed in particular).  We are well into our adventure, so I thought it a good time to express some of my thoughts and impressions so far.  First, I’m impressed and thankful for Penny’s map and chart skills. She has really become an excellent navigator.  She has also become proficient in deploying dock lines and bumpers.  She’s learned all of this on the job.  

This has not all been enjoyable.  We did enjoy the Rahmanns while in Ft. Meyers and Marco Island.  But after leaving them the weather turned windy and we were stuck in Marathon on a mooring ball for several days.  We were experiencing electrical problems even after replacing all four house batteries.  We also had our grandson, Ben, (whom we enjoyed immensely) on board and were trying to entertain.  Everything about running the boat required a steep learning curve.  I started to have doubts.  

We left Marathon even with high winds and went along north of the  Keys which was very shallow going and anxiety producing.  We managed to get anchored off Pumpkin Key which is just south of Biscayne Bay.  We crossed Biscayne Bay early the next morning and went under the bridge entering Miami.  It was there that things changed.  We began seeing things we had never seen before.  Every day since then has been a new experience.  In fact one of the best parts (if not the best) is the feeling of adventure I feel every morning when we start out into a new segment not knowing what the day will bring.  “What will today bring?” is not a rhetorical question!  Every day we experience anxiety caused by one thing or the other, but we never know quite what’s beyond the next bend.  I love that feeling.  And every afternoon or evening we have a real sense of accomplishment (and booze).  Everyday something has to be fixed, and everyday is a navigation challenge.  

We have had the good fortune to have Ben,Teri Rahmann, Nikky Curtis, Lea Craig, my sister, Becky, and her present husband, Doug, with us for extended periods.  They have enjoyed and enhanced the cruising experience.  I only wish my family could be with us and share all the things we have seen and experienced.  I truly believe people who are not here (where ever that is) are missing out.  (Now having said all that, I’ll probably hit a dock, my anchor will drag, we’ll pick up a crab trap, loose a prop, or who the hell knows because there are an infinite number of things that can jump up and grab us.)

So, in short:  I’m glad we jumped into this and am looking forward to leaving here and going into (at least to us) the unknown.


  1. I salute your explorer spirit and I am proud you all have allowed me to share a small portion of your adventure Nikky

  2. So glad you are having the adventures! Truly gives life purpose. Believe it or not, that's how I feel about returning to work....we've done a lot to provide more support to elementary schools next year....really hoping it will make a difference for our kids.

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