May 2, 2017
A new month and new challenges. This challenge wasn't with the boat, it was trying to get to the car so we could go to the Outer Banks. Last night a storm rolled in and the winds were howling with
a lot of rain. The boat and the passengers fared very well. As we were walking off the dock we noticed the water was right at the top of the deck. Then we saw the street and the parking garage, both were flooded. The storm blew the water into the bay at high tide. It had no where to go but up the storm drains. No one seemed upset, it is a common occurrence with high tides and windy weather.
Doug waded to the car and picked us up about a block down the street that was high and dry. When we came home this afternoon, the street was still a little flooded. We didn't park in the same place.
We headed off to Kittyhawk and Devil Run Hills. The Outerbanks are heavily built up with rental homes. You really couldn't tell that you were even on the beach. Kittyhawk was very interesting.
It was like a large green treeless park. I expected sand and hills. I guess it was like that in 1903,
but then man started messing around with the beaches, building dunes, etc. The salt water couldn't get back as far and the grass took over. The first flight wasn't very long, 12 seconds and 120 ft. But it proved it could be done. By the 4th try the plane went over 800 ft. They were brave men.
After Kittyhawk we roamed around the island and finally came back to Roanoke to find out about
the lost colony. They really don't know what happened to the 120 people in 1585. They just disappeared without leaving a trace of any kind. I have a theory, but everyone will laugh. I believe
that the women said enough of this, called ET and the aliens came and took them to a nice planet.
Bet you can't prove me wrong.
All that is left of the Lost Colony |
Tomorrow we are headed south on the Outer Banks to Cape Hatteress.
Flooded street |
Outer Banks Beach |
Orville and Wilbur Wright Memorial |
Spot Where Plane Took Off |
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