Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27, 2017

What can I say, it was a very slow, easy, lazy day around here. It started out with us sleeping in and continued that way all day.  Jim washed the Potomac river water off the boat and I cleaned  the dead flies and dirt from the inside.  When that was all done we got a taxi
to take us to Walmart.  The highlight of our day.  When we got back, that was it for the day.  It was 12:30pm.  Needless to say I
A Really Ugly Light House
Morning Calm
First Sight Of Cambridge, MD
did not take the camera from its case today.  So you will just have see all the things that you haven't seen yet.  Not sure what that is, but we will both enjoy looking.  Tomorrow I am going to explore all the pretty houses around the marina.
A Waterman At W

1 comment:

  1. As fast as you are traveling you all will be home before we will have a chance to meet with you. What a great adventure.Nikky
