Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017

We left Washington DC this morning with clear skies and no wind.  Went went under the bridge
that is HWY 30. We heard on the radio that we had to wait to go any further on the Potamc River
in front of the target range as they were getting ready to fire.  We waited for about 10 minutes 
and there was a very large bang.  We saw the smoke from the cannon and a big puff of smoke from the landing.  We were told it was ok to proceed on to Colonial Beach as quickly as possible.  Shortly
there after one of our engines got hot and we had to stop.  The fan belt was slipping.  Jim fixed it and while he was fixing it another blast from the target range went off.  So I guess we can say we were
under fire on the Potomac River.  Another great thing happened, only it was yesterday.  I took a picture of a helicopter by the Washington Monument.  Upon cropping and enlarging, I found out that it was the President's copter, Marine One.  We were going by the Lincoln Memorial and a Bald Eagle 
flew by on his way to Theodore Roosevelt's Memorial (his island in the Potomac River).  It was a very memorable.  Tonight we are back at Colonial Beach.  Our crew is jumping ship tomorrow, and of course the weather is heading down hill.  So two nights in Colonial Beach.  Can't wait till the crew gets here. 
Target range

Marine One

DC at sunset
DC sunrise
Our Mascot


  1. How exciting! Under fire in our nation's capitol.

  2. How exciting! Under fire in our nation's capitol.

  3. I am running out of adjectives to express ahhhhh. Nikky
