July 14, 2017
Today we stayed in Killarney, we should have left. There was
some wind and a threat of rain but the wind stopped and the rain never came. By that time it was too late to leave. So I did the laundry, Jim tinkered with the boat and we sat and stewed. I did a lot of thinking or stewing and thought about the 7 deadly sins, 7 plagues of Moses, and I came up with my own 7 challenges or anxieties that we deal with on the Great Loop.
1. Rain
2. Wind
3. Bugs
4. Currents
5. Tides
6. The Unknown
7. The Unexpected
We have talked to people who have studied, planned and completed
the Loop, and these 7 things have always been a fly in the ointment and a knot in their belly. You just can't be at ease even for 1 day. Even if one of them pops up, it knots you up. The bad days are when there are several pulling at you. Thank goodness that is very seldom. I know it sounds like I am not enjoying myself, I am having a great but I know I could never do this for years and make the boat my home. The life you lead while doing it is intense and all the time. I need more relaxation than intensity.
Today was my relaxation day, but in the back of my mind is the wondering, where we will anchor, how high the winds will blow, how rough the water will be tomorrow. I don't worry about bugs, rain, tides and currents. I will save those for another day. As for the unknown and unexpected, you just wait for that to show up and
deal with it then.
I went through my pictures of Georgian Bay and found some more to share. It really is a beautiful place, especially when the sun is shining. Tomorrow we head into the North Channel the phone coverage is very limited.
I will try to blog every day, but if you don't
The bitter and the sweet. As years pass, the sweet memories will remain. So proud of your courageous endeavours and adventuresome spirit! Not many can claim the same.