July 29, 2017
Finally some good news. The wind went from a gale to a blow today, and hopefully tomorrow just wind. Anyway I guess we are going. We did get some good news. It seems if you stay 2 days in Raine, you get the third day free. Also Racine is know for their
Kringles, (danish roll). We tried it and it is great. In fact I got 2
so breakfast will be good for the next few days. We called the La
Grange lockmaster to get the skinny on the lock. It is open, right now but call to see if things change. Both of us are ready to get started again. Jim blew up our lock bubbles again, so we are officially ready to hit the next batch.
We took out the dinghy today as did just about everybody else. I guess we weren't the only ones with cabin fever. Late night we were surprised with a very nice fireworks display. Racine is celebrating Italian American Days this weekend. It made up for our lack of fireworks on the 4th. Tonight it happens again and we will be waiting for it on the bow of the boat. Everybody wish on a star tonight that we have blue skies and very calm winds for tomorrow. I will let you know if it works.
Darn! It looks as though the weather gods are to blame for us missing you! We get into Racine today. Hang on and we can ride the rivers together for a while!