Sunday, July 16, 2017

July 16, 2017

I didn't get to see the Northern Lights last night, all I saw were clouds.  This morning when we got up the clouds were still there
and a tad bit thicker.  We hoisted the anchor and took off at 6:20
to get to our next anchorage before the rain came.  Of course we had no idea where that may be.  As we got further out into the bay
the water became wilder, the winds stronger and the ride very rocky, not back and forth but side to side.  Not Fun!  After 3 hours and 18 miles we said enough and Jim found us a little bay to hide in until the winds die down or change.  Our bay is Sturgeon Bay, not
the one in Lake Michigan, but little one in Lake Huron.  People say
the fun thing about the North Channel is the "Gun Holing", that is
when you leave the main trail or waterway and take off to unknown ports, hoping that there isn't a stray rock waiting to eat your bottom. 
We do not think that is very much fun.  Maybe if you know your way around here, have some idea where you are, but we don't.  So
Do you see a big dog 's head with flappy ears
in the clouds?
tomorrow we are leaving again early to out race the waves and wind, to get someplace where we can hide from the wind that is suppose to come in from the west.  I am hoping it is in a marina,
in the USA, and fairly close by.  We shall see. 

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